Latte art

Latte art

Latte art, creating designs like swans, tulips or hearts on the foam atop your coffee beverage, can make a good beverage even better. This art form used to be the domain of haute couture baristas, but now, you too can learn how to do this but I’m sure it will take commitment and dedication, probably requiring daily practice. But do you really need to do all of that? Not with modern technology to the rescue which will enable you to make astounding works of art in less than a minute. Read On!

cheapest Michelin meal

cheapest Michelin meal

Fine- dining on a budget? It is possible if you dine at one of the under $20 Michelin Starred restaurants (or their equivalent). There is amazing food to be found, if you are just willing to be adventurous enough – as I was on my recent trip to Melbourne. A visit to TimHoWan to eat the best dim sum in the city was something to write about!

Nico San Francisco

Nico San Francisco

Getting a reservation for a nice dinner on Thanksgiving is hard and so I book over a month in advance at Nico in San Francisco. Unfortunately at 8:15pm two nights before Thanksgiving, the restaurant realizes they are closed and calls to cancel on me. What happened? More importantly, with so few options at this point, what will I do? Did I hear that rescheduling Thanksgiving in on the table…

San Antonio Riverwalk

San Antonio Riverwalk

When I first thought of visiting San Antonio, I stereotypically thought of saloons, touristy Tex-mex and BBQ. And while the city has its fair share of these, the city also has a growing fine dining and refined culinary establishments. San Antonio’s transformation into a culinary destination has been a decade in the works, kickstarted by transforming an old Pearl Brewery into a culinary ecosystem. The foodie vibe has taken hold and the accolades are rolling in – San Antonio was named UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy in 2017. If you are a foodie on a budget, then you have even more reason to be excited as San Antonio is America’s most affordable foodie hotspot, according to a 2017 report from WalletHub. With so many amazing choices, I had some hard choices to make. I settled on Cured at the Pearl, Biga on the Banks, Fig Tree and Supper.

Taco Truck

Taco Truck

In many food-centric locales, gourmet food trucks and community organized food truck events are all the rage and oh so foodie. But, how did we get here? Even 20 years ago, grabbing a meal at a food truck was the domain of blue-collar workers who wanted to have a warm lunch, preferably of their native cuisine. A delicious history and my personal favorite Taco Truck are on the menu for discussion today.

UnFoodie Adventures

UnFoodie Adventures

So why “Un”-foodie? I think of an UN-foodie as one of the regular folks, who truly loves the artistic expression of food, who is happy to use a dish as an excuse to learn something, and considers a meal as a gateway to a culture. I believe than many of us are closeted (or outed) un-foodies, and I’m hoping this site can serve as a space for like-minded individuals to share our passion and experiences.

A bit about me:

A bit about me:

Hi there! I’m just an average guy who loves interesting food. I’m not a food expert or professional food critic and I can’t even really cook. I just enjoy the fine dining experience: sitting down to a great meal with good service, taking the time to savor what can often only be described as culinary art.