About Me
About Me
Hi there! I’m just an average guy who loves interesting food. I’m not a food expert or professional food critic and I can’t even really cook (more on that later). I don’t claim to have a particularly sophisticated palate or nose for fine wines. I just enjoy the fine dining experience: sitting down to a great meal with amazing service, taking the time to savor what can often only be described as culinary art. I consider cooking to be the epitome of creativity, incorporating two senses that most other artistic endeavors fail to engage – smell and taste… I am excited to share my experiences with those of you who are willing to read on.

I’m a scientist by training, and I blame this for my inability to cook, although funnily enough, many of my friends who are good scientists are also great cooks – I’m sure this is because they are anomalies. On reflection, perhaps it is more because I am a tinkerer at heart – I can’t just leave well enough alone. If there is a recipe, I have to modify it to see if it can be made better – even if it was already absolutely delicious. And it is because of this that only one out of every three to four dishes is palatable, and I can never replicate a dish… I should keep cooking notes as any good scientist would – but that would require measuring and taking note of all the ingredients used, and lets be honest- I’m not about to do that either.
So, I enjoy what the great master chefs of our day create and hope to bring some of that to this blog. If you come upon this site, and have a thought, please share it with me. Thanks for spending your precious time in this little corner of the universe…